LGBTQ-Friendly Therapists
Below is a list of LGBTQ-Friendly Therapists who have indicated an interest in and experience working with LGBTQ+ clients and/or family members. PFLAG Cape Cod has not evaluated their abilities and effectiveness, and therefore cannot endorse these individuals. However, we hope that the information provided in this list will give those seeking an LGBTQ+ friendly therapist a starting point in their selection process (you can also view this list as a printable PDF). The list below was updated on 6/4/2024.
If you are a Therapist who would like to be added to this list, please fill out the Therapist Questionnaire and return to [email protected]. Thank you.
If you are a Therapist who would like to be added to this list, please fill out the Therapist Questionnaire and return to [email protected]. Thank you.